Time-limited daily parking passes for parking your car during the day
Did you know that with Parkl, you can purchase not only classic monthly passes, but also time-limited daily passes, which allow you to park in the city at a discounted rate within a specific time period? That's right, you can buy these types of parking passes for several Parkl partner car parks through the app.
Here's where you can find them:

In the mentioned parking lots, the time-limited daily passes are valid between 07:00 and 19:00, with prices applying to this 12-hour interval.
Allure Residence
📍Address: 1097 Budapest, Vágóhíd utca 3.
💸Price: 1800 HUF
Átrium parkoló
📍Address: 1134 Budapest, Váci út 45.
💸Price: 2500 HUF
Auróra utcai parkoló
📍Address: 1084 Budapest, Auróra utca 37.
💸Price: 1600 HUF
Bécsi úti parkolóudvar
📍Address: 1023 Budapest, Bécsi út 11.
💸Price: 2900 HUF
Forgách utcai parkolóudvar
📍Cím: 1139 Budapest, Forgách utca 9.
💸Price: 2100 HUF
Frankel Leó parkolóudvar
📍Address: 1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó út 80-82.
💸Price: 2900 HUF
Infopark parkoló
📍Address: 1117 Budapest, Infopark sétány 1I
💸Price: 1600 HUF
István utcai parkoló
📍Address: 1078 Budapest, István utca 30.
💸Price: 1600 HUF
Jurányi utcai parkoló
📍Address: 1027 Budapest, Jurányi utca 12.
💸Price: 3500 HUF
Rottenbiller utcai parkoló
📍Address: 1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller utca 31.
💸Price: 1500 HUF
Reno udvar
📍Address: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 168.
💸Price: 1200 HUF
Buying these passes is incredibly simple. In the app, click on the Parking/Charging option in the map view, find the selected indoor car park, click on the ‘buy pass’ button, and choose which type you would like to use.
Happy Parking!